Uncertainty Isn't Scary. How You Think About It Might Be.
“We are in unprecedented times.” - you dont say!
And for leaders, uncertainty is a big deal. So often is the perception that leaders are there to provide stability, and even, certainty.
And there is truth to this.
Leaders play a crucial role in navigating uncertainty.
By being transparent, authentic, having the courage to be vulnerable and grounding the team in a shared vision, rooted in core values, they provide a sense of purpose and direction.
They also model powerful psychological safety.
As always though, in group dynamics, that’s only a small part of the story.
The liberating truth is that internal motivation and courage are far more powerful than relying on it from something external, whether that’s a leader or a plan.
It's why I believe there is a responsibility on each member of the team to reflect on and explore their own relationship with uncertainty.
We’re back to internal leadership!
When people trust and believe in themselves to adapt, grow and face the unknown with confidence and even excitement, they begin to see the uncertainty not as a threat, but as an adventure.
Because the truth is, it’s in the unknown that we find the most aliveness. It’s where excitement, vitality, imagination, possibility and creativity live.
It’s also why we’re all obsessed with Severance. Nobody knows what’s going to happen but we love discussing the theories!
If you’re looking to develop internal leadership or, as a leader, create a culture where every individual is given the space to explore how they motivate and empower themselves, let’s connect!